As a result of COVID-19, almost every business sector has been forced to change the way they manage and operate their businesses. The insurance industry is no different. At True View Commercial, we are taking all necessary actions to ensure the health and well-being of our clients and those under our employ.
True View Commercial is closely monitoring the federal, state, and local guidelines pertaining to all suggested COVID-19 safety protocols. Our employees and representatives are required to wear approved face masks while meeting with commercial and residential clients alike. We are also advising all adjusters and property owners to exercise social distancing during client meetings, adjuster meetings, and investigative site visits, this includes not shaking hands. Furthermore, we encourage the use of hand sanitizer and proper hand-washing whenever possible.
We are also utilizing technology to meet virtually with clients and adjusters whenever it is a viable alternative.
When handling an insurance loss, timing is crucial; especially if a loss has created a business interruption or personal disruption. We are maintaining a drive to complete each phase of the adjusting process to ensure that our clients receive a rapid and successful claim resolution.
We understand that various scheduling conflicts may occur and maintain the flexibility to meet the timing needs of all parties involved. Whether commercial clients are working remotely with limited staff or residential clients are working from home, we are committed to accommodating the individual needs that each situation presents.
These are no doubt unprecedented times. Although COVID-19 has created widespread uncertainty, we remain committed to each client. We share empathy with clients as time restraints, scheduling changes, and financial uncertainty impact almost all facets of life including here at True View Commercial.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership.
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